Category: Forest Ecosystems

Consumers of the Forest Ecosystem

Living organisms in a forest fall into three different categories, the forest relies on the services that each of these groups provides. Producers Consumers Decomposers Consumers in a forest ecosystem are also called heterotrophs because they cannot produce their own “food” as producers do. Instead, they rely on producers and other consumers as a food […]

Food Chains in a Forest Ecosystem

A food chain is a model that shows the relationships between all organisms in a forest ecosystem based on how they exchange energy with one another. Models are pictorial or metaphorical representations of very complex systems that make those systems easier to understand and visualize Food chains are an important model because it would be […]

What are The Living and Non-Living Parts of a Forest Ecosystem?

The parts of a forest ecosystem can be divided into two categories: Biotic: Any living thing in a forest ecosystem including plants, animals, bacteria, and fungi Abiotic: Any non-living thing in a forest ecosystem including air, water, rocks and minerals, and climate These two groups interact with each other to maintain the health of the […]

How is a Forest Ecosystem Structured and What are its Functions?

Forest ecosystems are all around us, they’re responsible for producing the world’s oxygen and contain many of the living species in the world, but how do they do it? What structures do they have that allow them to provide resources and homes to so many living things? First, let’s discuss the definition of an ecosystem […]